3v3 Summer Showdown

3v3 Summer Showdown Series
A benefit event for the Matt Henderson Fund
You are invited to join SOCA’s Annual 3v3 Summer Showdown. SOCA will be hosting a day event of fast-paced 3 versus 3 fun! The Summer Showdown values enjoyment, player development, and citizenship for all who attend. Grab a few friends and sign up today!
Charlottesville 3v3 Showdown will be held on July 20th at SOCA-ACAC South Fork Soccer Park
3v3 Showdown Series Team Application 3v3 Showdown Series Rules & Game Format
What is the Matt Henderson Fun?
The Matt Henderson Fund was established in 2002 as a means to supplement and support the budget of SOCA’s financial assistance and Outreach Programs. The fund is used to help eliminate obstacles for player participation in the Spring and Fall season programs that the SOCA club offers.
How much does it cost?
Registration Fee:
- The Team fee is $120.00 per team.
- Make checks payable to SOCA
- Pay by credit card by calling 434.975.5025 ext 111
- Or visit the SOCA office at 1685 Polo Grounds Road.
The Tournament fees are used to pay for the tournament expenses, and all proceeds will be donated to SOCA’s Matt Henderson Fund.
Who can play?
Player Eligibility:
- A player may only be registered and play on one team in the 3v3 Summer Showdown. Participants must be registered to a VYSA team for the 2018/2019 soccer year, prior to applying for the tournament. Players may be allowed to play up an age group with Tournament Director’s approval. Each team will participate in the age group of their oldest player.
Guest Players:
- A team is allowed up to 5 guest players.
- Each team is allowed a minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 players. Teams wishing to play up must be pre-approved by the Tournament Director. Changes to tournament rosters may be made after submission deadline. No changes may be made after the roster freeze date.
Important Dates
Charlottesville 3v3 Showdown 2019:
- Registration: Wednesday, July 10th
- Roster Freeze: Wednesday, July 17th
- Schedule Distribution: Monday, July 15th
- Team Check-in: Saturday, July 20th
Refunds & Cancellations
- A full tournament fee refund will be given for requests submitted prior to the Schedule Distribution Date. No refunds will be awarded for withdraw requests made after this date.
Tournament Cancellation Policy:
- In the event the tournament is cancelled prior to the first game of the day, an $100.00 refund will be given. Teams will be alerted via email of tournament cancellations, as well as an announcement made at SOCA website and on the weather line at 434.817.7246.
- In the event of inclement weather arriving after the start of the first game, games will be postponed until weather conditions allow play. If each team plays at least 2 games, the tournament will be considered concluded and no refunds will be given. If the tournament is cancelled after the start of the first game and cannot be made up on Sunday a pro-rated refund will be given.
- What is the Matt Henderson Fun?
- How much does it cost?
- Who can play?
- Important Dates
- Refunds & Cancellations
What is the Matt Henderson Fun?
The Matt Henderson Fund was established in 2002 as a means to supplement and support the budget of SOCA’s financial assistance and Outreach Programs. The fund is used to help eliminate obstacles for player participation in the Spring and Fall season programs that the SOCA club offers.
How much does it cost?
Registration Fee:
- The Team fee is $120.00 per team.
- Make checks payable to SOCA
- Pay by credit card by calling 434.975.5025 ext 111
- Or visit the SOCA office at 1685 Polo Grounds Road.
The Tournament fees are used to pay for the tournament expenses, and all proceeds will be donated to SOCA’s Matt Henderson Fund.
Who can play?
Player Eligibility:
- A player may only be registered and play on one team in the 3v3 Summer Showdown. Participants must be registered to a VYSA team for the 2018/2019 soccer year, prior to applying for the tournament. Players may be allowed to play up an age group with Tournament Director’s approval. Each team will participate in the age group of their oldest player.
Guest Players:
- A team is allowed up to 5 guest players.
- Each team is allowed a minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 players. Teams wishing to play up must be pre-approved by the Tournament Director. Changes to tournament rosters may be made after submission deadline. No changes may be made after the roster freeze date.
Important Dates
Charlottesville 3v3 Showdown 2019:
- Registration: Wednesday, July 10th
- Roster Freeze: Wednesday, July 17th
- Schedule Distribution: Monday, July 15th
- Team Check-in: Saturday, July 20th
Refunds & Cancellations
- A full tournament fee refund will be given for requests submitted prior to the Schedule Distribution Date. No refunds will be awarded for withdraw requests made after this date.
Tournament Cancellation Policy:
- In the event the tournament is cancelled prior to the first game of the day, an $100.00 refund will be given. Teams will be alerted via email of tournament cancellations, as well as an announcement made at SOCA website and on the weather line at 434.817.7246.
- In the event of inclement weather arriving after the start of the first game, games will be postponed until weather conditions allow play. If each team plays at least 2 games, the tournament will be considered concluded and no refunds will be given. If the tournament is cancelled after the start of the first game and cannot be made up on Sunday a pro-rated refund will be given.