Hot Shots Program

Hot Shots provides an enjoyable introduction to organized soccer through training in fundamental technique in a shared player/parent educational environment.
Complete your online registration today to join the fun in Hot Shots! Online registration can be done at through your own family soccer account.
General Description
Hot Shots is a fun way to play and learn soccer. Join the Augusta United staff for this great introductory program for beginning soccer players. The Hot Shots program introduces children to the sport in a kid-friendly, non-competitive environment. Each session includes player coordination activities along with fun skill-building games and ends with small-sided games to goals. Teams are formed around schools and neighborhoods so that friends can play together.
Program Specifics
- Available to all interested players in the Under 6 (U6) age group.
- Parent participation is welcomed but not required.
- This is an introduction to soccer fundamentals by volunteer facilitators guided by Augusta United Staff.
- Spring 2025 – Wayne Hills Baptist Church, Waynesboro – Saturdays from 9:00am to 10:00am for an 8 week season.
- Each session ends with small sided, facilitated games.
- Registration is twice per year for independent fall and spring seasons.
- Spring 2025 Hot Shots Season Age Group: Children born in the years 2019 and 2020
Registration, Fees & Refund Policy
Registration, Fees & Refund Policy
Registration payments can be made online via your family’s account at or at the office. The Augusta United office is located at 21 Hannah Circle, Suite 103, Waynesboro, VA 22980. The office is open Tuesdays through Friday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- Early Registration Fee: $59.00 for registrations received before February 4, 2025.
- Late Registration Fee: $74.00 for registrations received after February 4, 2025.
- Late registrants will be placed on a space available basis. Augusta United will notify late registrants of team placement. Fees are returned in full for players who cannot be placed.
- Request for a refund and to withdraw from the Hot Shots program must be made by e-mail or written notice on or before March 8, 2025. Refunds will be issued less a $20.00 processing fee. Refunds will be sent in the form of a check and will take about two weeks to be processed.
Spring 2025 Schedule
Spring 2025 CALENDAR:
- The Hot Shots On-Time Registration Deadline is February 4, 2025.
- Team Assignment Notification will be posted in your personal Augusta United account on or about March 1, 2025.
- The first session of the Hot Shots Season is scheduled for March 15, 2025.
- The final session of the Hot Shot Season is scheduled for May 10, 2025.
- If needed, we will use May 17, 2025 to make up the first cancellation of the Hot Shots Program.
Special Requests & Playing up into U8 Rec
Hot Shot aged players may play up into U8 only if they are born between 1/1/2017 through 12/31/2017.
You can choose to play up your player into the U8 Recreation program by clicking on “edit” located next to your player’s name in your family’s soccer account at and changing the “no” to “yes” on the question of “Allow to play up”.
Special Requests may be made to play for a particular coach or with a particular player (ONLY 1 REQUEST WILL BE CONSIDERED). To make a special request, select the program. On the next page of the registration process labeled “Registration Details”, click on the red “SPECIAL REQUEST” located UNDER YOUR PLAYERS NAME and a box for your request will appear. All requests are considered and most met. Unfortunately no special request can be guaranteed.
Uniforms & Equipment
Hot Shots uniforms include a t-shirt. Players can wear any socks, shorts or sweat pants they choose that are safe for themselves and their opponents.
Shirts will be available in the Augusta United office before the season begins – email will be sent when they are ready for pick up. Shirts will also available at the fields on the first session.
Required Equipment
- All players must wear shin guards for all sessions.
- Playing gear and outerwear appropriate for the weather and safety.
- Water for every session.
- Safe footwear for playing soccer (soccer cleats are not required but recommended).
- Size 3 soccer ball.
Permitted & Not Permitted Items
Permitted Items:
- Corrective glasses are allowed to be worn as long as the hinges are covered.
- The covering for the corrective glasses can be of athletic tape or some other material which will prevent injury.
- Cast on hands or arms are permitted if it is properly padded. (Protective foam or bubble wrap recommended.)
- Mouth guards are not required but highly recommended for players with braces.
Items Not Permitted:
- No jewelry of any kind may be worn (this includes wristbands, watches and earrings as spelled out in the “Laws of the Game” from FIFA the soccer world governing body). The taping of earrings is not allowed.
Hot Shots Facilitators
The Hot Shot teams are led by volunteer facilitators under the guidance of a Augusta United staff member. These volunteer facilitators are parents, area adults, local students and High School age volunteers.
Please consider volunteering to be a facilitator of a Augusta United Hot Shots team. The facilitator’s role each week will be to guide the players through the activities and coordinate the game at the end of each session. Augusta United will provide your weekly session for you in written form and demo the activities prior to the start of the day. Its fun and easy.
Hot Shot Parent Behavior Guidelines
- Always encourage your child no matter of the result of their game and session.
- Always be a positive role model.
- Always avoid putting pressure on your child about their soccer skills and decisions.
- Support the facilitator.
- Enjoy the experience with your player.
- Always encourage your child no matter of the result of their game and session.
- General Description
- Program Specifics
- Registration, Fees & Refund Policy
- Spring 2025 Schedule
- Special Requests & Playing up into U8 Rec
- Uniforms & Equipment
- Permitted & Not Permitted Items
- Hot Shots Facilitators
- Hot Shot Parent Behavior Guidelines
General Description
Hot Shots is a fun way to play and learn soccer. Join the Augusta United staff for this great introductory program for beginning soccer players. The Hot Shots program introduces children to the sport in a kid-friendly, non-competitive environment. Each session includes player coordination activities along with fun skill-building games and ends with small-sided games to goals. Teams are formed around schools and neighborhoods so that friends can play together.
Program Specifics
- Available to all interested players in the Under 6 (U6) age group.
- Parent participation is welcomed but not required.
- This is an introduction to soccer fundamentals by volunteer facilitators guided by Augusta United Staff.
- Spring 2025 – Wayne Hills Baptist Church, Waynesboro – Saturdays from 9:00am to 10:00am for an 8 week season.
- Each session ends with small sided, facilitated games.
- Registration is twice per year for independent fall and spring seasons.
- Spring 2025 Hot Shots Season Age Group: Children born in the years 2019 and 2020
Registration, Fees & Refund Policy
Registration, Fees & Refund Policy
Registration payments can be made online via your family’s account at or at the office. The Augusta United office is located at 21 Hannah Circle, Suite 103, Waynesboro, VA 22980. The office is open Tuesdays through Friday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- Early Registration Fee: $59.00 for registrations received before February 4, 2025.
- Late Registration Fee: $74.00 for registrations received after February 4, 2025.
- Late registrants will be placed on a space available basis. Augusta United will notify late registrants of team placement. Fees are returned in full for players who cannot be placed.
- Request for a refund and to withdraw from the Hot Shots program must be made by e-mail or written notice on or before March 8, 2025. Refunds will be issued less a $20.00 processing fee. Refunds will be sent in the form of a check and will take about two weeks to be processed.
Spring 2025 Schedule
Spring 2025 CALENDAR:
- The Hot Shots On-Time Registration Deadline is February 4, 2025.
- Team Assignment Notification will be posted in your personal Augusta United account on or about March 1, 2025.
- The first session of the Hot Shots Season is scheduled for March 15, 2025.
- The final session of the Hot Shot Season is scheduled for May 10, 2025.
- If needed, we will use May 17, 2025 to make up the first cancellation of the Hot Shots Program.
Special Requests & Playing up into U8 Rec
Hot Shot aged players may play up into U8 only if they are born between 1/1/2017 through 12/31/2017.
You can choose to play up your player into the U8 Recreation program by clicking on “edit” located next to your player’s name in your family’s soccer account at and changing the “no” to “yes” on the question of “Allow to play up”.
Special Requests may be made to play for a particular coach or with a particular player (ONLY 1 REQUEST WILL BE CONSIDERED). To make a special request, select the program. On the next page of the registration process labeled “Registration Details”, click on the red “SPECIAL REQUEST” located UNDER YOUR PLAYERS NAME and a box for your request will appear. All requests are considered and most met. Unfortunately no special request can be guaranteed.
Uniforms & Equipment
Hot Shots uniforms include a t-shirt. Players can wear any socks, shorts or sweat pants they choose that are safe for themselves and their opponents.
Shirts will be available in the Augusta United office before the season begins – email will be sent when they are ready for pick up. Shirts will also available at the fields on the first session.
Required Equipment
- All players must wear shin guards for all sessions.
- Playing gear and outerwear appropriate for the weather and safety.
- Water for every session.
- Safe footwear for playing soccer (soccer cleats are not required but recommended).
- Size 3 soccer ball.
Permitted & Not Permitted Items
Permitted Items:
- Corrective glasses are allowed to be worn as long as the hinges are covered.
- The covering for the corrective glasses can be of athletic tape or some other material which will prevent injury.
- Cast on hands or arms are permitted if it is properly padded. (Protective foam or bubble wrap recommended.)
- Mouth guards are not required but highly recommended for players with braces.
Items Not Permitted:
- No jewelry of any kind may be worn (this includes wristbands, watches and earrings as spelled out in the “Laws of the Game” from FIFA the soccer world governing body). The taping of earrings is not allowed.
Hot Shots Facilitators
The Hot Shot teams are led by volunteer facilitators under the guidance of a Augusta United staff member. These volunteer facilitators are parents, area adults, local students and High School age volunteers.
Please consider volunteering to be a facilitator of a Augusta United Hot Shots team. The facilitator’s role each week will be to guide the players through the activities and coordinate the game at the end of each session. Augusta United will provide your weekly session for you in written form and demo the activities prior to the start of the day. Its fun and easy.
Hot Shot Parent Behavior Guidelines
- Always encourage your child no matter of the result of their game and session.
- Always be a positive role model.
- Always avoid putting pressure on your child about their soccer skills and decisions.
- Support the facilitator.
- Enjoy the experience with your player.